Extractor Pattern - Script id

I would like to extract specific values that is part of a script on a Web page.
A short version of the page is shown below:

[...]<br />
< script id="script_1" type="text/javascript"><br />
 < !--<br />
 //configuration<br />
 var fallback = new Object();<br />
 var parameters = 'address=Main+56;zipcode=1234';<br />
< /script><br />

(had to insert a space before the word script, to make the code visible on this forum)
These values is only stored in the script, and not visible as HTML on the page.

The information I would like to extract, is stored in "parameters".
First identifier/key would be "address", with a value of "Main 56", and
second key would be "zipcode", with value set to "1234"

Do anyone have a recommendation on how to design the Extractor Pattern?

zenith004, I added


I added <code>tags</code> around your code :)


That's supereasy. I would

That's supereasy.

I would make a main extractor:

var parameters =~@DATARECORD@~<

And sub extractors:

