Extractor Pattern for HTML

Hi Guys-

I hope you can help on this one. I have this bit of HTML that is returned after you submit a tracking request, but can't figure out how for the life of me to write a proper extractor pattern for this? I really only need one bit of information from it.

The only part I need is the

 ursa-code "CUCYMA"
I need to extract what is in the quotations.

Here is a snippet of the HTML that is returned.

Verbose: null

Response Code: 200

Query Synopsis: null

Error Msg: None

Total Number of Records: 1

More Data: N

Data Source: SNG

Content length: 31290

Query id: 7376960523ECQS4865

value EnhancedEvent ::= {
package-possession-enhancement {
possession-location-code "LUFA"

dest-location-code "CYMA"

ursa-code "CUCYMA"

recipient-country-code "US"

recipient-postal-code "99501"

pickup-stop-type "O"

acceptance-date-time "20100128235800Z-0700"

packaging-type "01"

base-service-cd "03"

special-handling-code-array {

delivery-plan-enhancement {
est-avail-for-delv-dt "20100201"

master-list-history {
recipient-address-desc "645 G St Ste 100 # 829"

recipient-company-name "Carlos da Silva Alves"

track-date "20100128"

track-item-number "439648644188"

track-scan-time "1406"

track-type "CE"

cod-check-type "U"

recipient-city-name "Anchorage"

recipient-country-code "US"

recipient-postal-code "995013471"

recipient-state-code "AK"

ship-date "20100128"

shipper-account-number "387905820"

shipper-address-desc "6835 W BUCKEYE RD"

shipper-city-name "PHOENIX"

shipper-company-name "AMAZON.COM"

shipper-country-code "US"

shipper-postal-code "850434428"

shipper-state-code "AZ"

track-gmt-post-date "20100128"

track-gmt-post-time "19100672"

shipment-weight "7.0"

pkg-length "14"

pkg-width "8"

I don't see any difficulty

I don't see any difficulty with that:

ursa-code "~@VALUE@~"

In the token properties, I would set a regex for no double quotes.

Thanks Jason for the help.

Thanks Jason for the help. How do you set the regex for double quotes? I did not see it in the drop down list.

jsncochran, If you're not


If you're not able to see it in the drop-down you can enter it manually.


However, if you're not seeing it in the drop-down then something's not right. Do you see any items in the drop-down? If you click on the "Options" menu at the top of screen-scraper and select "Edit regular expressions" does a window come up listing all of the default regex's?
