XmlWriter vs. JDOM


I have been looking at the XmlWriter in Screen Scraper. It is rather limeted compared to JDOM. Isn't it posible to import JDOM in Screen Scraper? Does XmlWriter have advantages i have overlooked?


You're right about the

You're right about the XmlWriter. It's good for easily dumping out a dataRecord / dataSet, but once you have to begin tweaking the data, it's kind of hard to use, in my opinion. (That, and you can't change character encoding in the output stream.)

We're actually working on something to help give a long-needed solution to connecting the extraction of your data to the destination database/xml/csv/etc. It won't be anything to rival a true DOM-walking class, and it'll be more aimed at writing and dynamically understanding relationships from one table/node to another.

If you need to do actual parsing of XML, I'd simply recommend another library, and the XmlWriter is borrowed code, and kind of hard to pilot with great customization.