Tutorial Help

I downloaded SS and been trying to get the tutorial working.

I get everything working (from the Tutorial Hello World), until

No where does it say: "~@FORM_SUBMITTED_TEXT@~". So when I try clicking Apply Pattern to Last Scraped Data, nothing happens.

Any thoughts?

Anything between a ~@ and a

Anything between a ~@ and a @~ will act in a special way. It won't look for "FORM_SUBMITTED_TEXT". Instead, it will scan the web page for *any* text in that spot, and then save it to a variable named "FORM_SUBMITTED_TEXT".

If you're having trouble making the pattern match, you might want to make sure you're copying the pattern from your scrapeableFile's "Last Response" tab. Only copy-and-paste the part as shown in the screen-shot. Then replace the text "Hello World" with that funky ~@FORM_SUBMITTED_TEXT thing.

Is that making sense?