Scraping Session: General tab
General Tab
- Run Scraping Session: Starts the scraping session. Once the scraping session begins running you can watch its progress under the Log tab.
- Delete: Deletes the scraping session.
- Add Scrapeable File: Adds a new scrapeable file to this scraping session/span?>.
- Export: Allows you to export the scraping session to an XML file. This might be useful for backing up your work or transferring information to a different screen-scraper installation.
- Name: Used to identify the scraping session. The name should be unique relative to other scraping sessions.
- Notes: Useful for keeping notes specific to the scraping session.
- Scripts: All of the scripts associated with the scraping session.
- Add Script: Adds a script association to direct and manipulate the flow of the scraping session.
- Script Name: Specifies which script should be run.
- Sequence: The order in which the scripts should be run.
- When to Run: When the scraping session should run the script.
- Enabled: A flag to determine which scripts should be run and which shouldn't be.
Each script can be designated to run either before or after the scraping session runs. This can be useful for functions like initializing session variables and performing clean-up after the scraping session is finished. It's often helpful to create debugging scripts in your scraping session, then disable them once you're ready to run your scraping session in a production environment.