This is a simple script used from removing all non-numerical characters from numbers. This is particularly useful when attempting to normalize data before insertion into a database.
i = 0;
// Iterate through each variable in the array above
while (i < variables.length){
//Get the variables to be fixed
value = session.getVariable(variables[i]);
//Log the UNFIXED values
session.log("UNFIXED: " + variables[i] + " = " + value);
if(value != null){
//Remove non-numerical elements from number
value = value.replaceAll("\\D","");
// Set variables with new values
dataRecord.put(variables[i], value);
session.setVariable(variables[i], value);
//Log the FIXED values
session.log("FIXED " + variables[i] + " = " + session.getVariable(variables[i]));