// With events, we can modify the Last Response before extractors are run
// on it. Perhaps we care about line breaks
import com.screenscraper.events.*;
import com.screenscraper.events.scrapeablefile.*;
import com.screenscraper.scraper.*;
// Setup a call on scrapeable files named "Details" to insert a
// <br /> tag everywhere there is a line break character
EventHandler handler = new EventHandler(){
public String getHandlerName()
return "Update last response with line breaks";
public Object handleEvent(EventFireTime fireTime, ScrapeableFileEventData data)
ScrapingSession session = data.getSession();
session.logInfo("Swapping out line breaks in the response for <br /> tags");
// We know for the event time this will trigger that this is a String
// and is the response data (post tidy) from the server
String response = data.getLastReturnValue();
response = response.replaceAll("(?s)\r?\n", "<br />\n");
// Return the new value, which will be used as the last response
return response;
// Set the event to be fired at a specific time. The documentation
// (as seen in the completion popup) tells us for this fire time
// the return value will be used as the response data
session.addEventCallback(ScrapeableFileEventFireTime.AfterHttpRequest, handler);
session.scrapeFile("Manually Scraped");