Anonymization REST Interface
Controlling Anonymization Externally
All requests require that you pass your registered email address, which will be determined when you sign up for the anonymization service. This is passed as a URL-encoded string in the URL query string using the key registered_email. Your password will also be required, which is passed to the server via the password parameter.
Managing Anonymous Proxies
Each call to the server is done via a GET request. The possible requests are described below:
Expect an average delay of around 20 seconds before receiving a response from the system for reach request made.
Update anonymization settings
- ip_addresses_allowed_to_connect: This is a URL-encoded comma-delimited list of IP addresses that should be allowed to connect to the HTTP proxy servers.
- max_running_proxies: The maximum number of proxies that should be allowed. It's important that this be set, as lag between terminating and spawning proxies could otherwise cause more proxies than desired to be spawned.
Get the current number of running proxies
Get a current list of running proxies
Here's an example of what would be returned from this request: i-61955e08 i-6e955e07
Each proxy gets its own line. The host and port are given first, then a space character, then the instance ID.
You'll use the instance ID if you want to report a proxy as bad (so that it will be terminated and one will be spawned in its place).
Spawn proxies
- num_instances: The number of proxies to be spawned.
Terminate a single proxy and spawn a new one in its place
After terminating a proxy, it will take a minute or two to spawn one in its place. You'll want to query the server periodically in order to refresh your current pool of proxies.
Terminate all proxies